Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Helllo! Yeah the last time was a long time ago,hope my new found motivation stays where it is.....
Annnnd without ado, I ummmm....begin.
The following piece of literal 'litter'ature is a result of a day when I was searching for someone whome i could give a piece of my mind. So here's how it goes...
Suppose you are me(Ya now don't tell me you can't be, apart from the fact that you can't be awesome,so chuck it.....but for those of you with half a brain to imagine half the things you read,you'll realise how awesome it is to be Awesome.....{Isn't that awesome??},yeah but on this particular day that i write about, I didn't find anything awesome about being Awesome) Ok I am starting before you realise you aren't as jobless as you think.
"I like writing about how I feel inside my head. Right now,it feels pretty shitty(When did shitty become pretty?? Moving on!!)
I am quite certain of the fact that there ain't no human i know in existence who might know how things are whirl pooling within my head."
ENOUGH!!!! That's what I told my brain after hearing my brain rant all about this sort of shit.(Huh??)

So today we start a new topic. Th topic is......wait for the drums,bells and whistles....Hear them??

This is TH most easiest thing to handle in life(WARNING!! Only in hindsight)
When you experience frustration,you are well.....frustrated to say the least.
So unless you haven't gone bald,you are probably pulling your hair apart(Baldies can do that if they are gifted with a human ability called imagination).
For all those who experience frustration due to hair loss, It is just going to leave you with your imagination sooner than some hair plucking fairy may want...I mean basically the tension tension in your hair is pretty mechanically being transferred to your hair strands,which will lead to the following-
1-uprooting of your hair from it's folicle
3-blah! blah!
3-blah! blah! blah!
4-and most importantly(how can i forget this?) BLAH!!!!

HA!! HA!! HA!!
So...THE most important question... Why do you feel frustrated??
Who the fuck do you think I am?? Lady with the crystal ball?? I don't have the answers to your questions.. I don't have answers to MY own fucking questions!!
Again,If you have read so far,you would have certainly realized one thing for sure.....which is(The 20th Century FOX music is playing !!)
(I do realize that it will be very difficult to convince my friends to read this..)
Oh yeah,besides,if you are jobless,that is another reason why you must be frustrated..(Ya I guess I was the lady with the crystal ball for a second)
Ohh!!!! Almost forgot. Errr... I just happened to have forgotten what I forgot. (Heh??? Did I just forget what I forgot? orrr was it your brain screwing around??)
OKAY !! Now seriously, I heavily doubt that you are reading this any more...
I am Awesome!!
I am the lady with the crystal 'balls'(Yeah you read that correctly!!)
"I am Ironman"-Tony Stark(You sure can read fellow earthling!!)
I am also FCUKING MAAAD rightnow!!!!(Whoa!! You win the reader's contest!! So you win 0.00 in any of the following currencies...$, £, RS. et.al.)

Ya I should put an end to this.
As tragic I try to portray myself,it feels all the more like a comic strip gone wrong...

I just happened to be enlightened by the fact that I am not the only one in this universe who thinks that i may just have a psychological disorder.
One test I give you to see if I actually should belong to an asylum....

When you hear the word RADIOHEAD your thoughts are:
1-A pretty cool band(Who and Why the f******ck{firetruck} would you name a band RADIOHEAD?)
2-Some random bloke with a boombox in place of his empty cranium.
3-A radio with a human head
4-The guy who is typing this is going to be beaten by any and everyone who happens to have gone through the ordeal to read this piece of bullshit.

I frankly don't give a camel's testicle(I am not a camel testicle dealer but anyways) of which option you choose. I only seek solace in the fact that you in most likelihood won't be able to do anything with the 4th option as much as you'd want to.(or maybe not....)
So for more from BULLSHIT.ORG,keep tuning in!!!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

I really don't know how this thing goes about....blogging annnd ...stuff.....
So one odd day, I have this itch to ....well, start writung a blog,annnnd so it goes. And by writing a blog, I INTEND TO GET FAMOUS!!!!!!! 
Nahhhh...Since i don't even know how some raaaannnnnnndom guy will read this or not, I am probably just writing a bloody well confidential diary.

FOREWORD(What does it mean anyway??)

One second!! If you ever happened to read till here....any one of you!!!!,then basically this is not that covert diary i was thinking it is....
If you just happened to be going further on what i may/may not write...WARNING!! There might be occasional use of  inappropriate language,usually futile in use. Hence to those who swear by not swearing,you can close this page,go for a walk and believe that "there are no such things as weird and crazy people who don't want you to read their blog"

Hmmmm... Yeah,one more thing i do not like is that.There is no spell check!!!! (How the hell do you make the "crying" smiley face?) Huh???? Did you just read crying smiley face?? Actually yeah,you did.
Even facebook has spell check now!!!!!

Hence i request (whosoever) the reader to errrr pardon me of the odd gramatical nuances comma,fullstop orrr.....even me not stopping at all.

End of foreword!!!(I feel this blog is wrongly bookish feeling....not that i give a dam/bridge/ping-pong ball)

Wokkay,Lets start with The Short Dude(TSD) already...
TSD is your average short dude,about 160cm, 130lbs, looks a bitttt better than your average Joe,mmmm,slightly random...errr lets just leave the appearances upto your imagination of TSD because,right now,TSD just remembered that he was to be somewhere about 10 minutes ago...Time to time travel!!!
Write to you!!!(you see,I can't really SEE you... :P)