Thursday, 10 January 2013

I really don't know how this thing goes about....blogging annnd ...stuff.....
So one odd day, I have this itch to ....well, start writung a blog,annnnd so it goes. And by writing a blog, I INTEND TO GET FAMOUS!!!!!!! 
Nahhhh...Since i don't even know how some raaaannnnnnndom guy will read this or not, I am probably just writing a bloody well confidential diary.

FOREWORD(What does it mean anyway??)

One second!! If you ever happened to read till here....any one of you!!!!,then basically this is not that covert diary i was thinking it is....
If you just happened to be going further on what i may/may not write...WARNING!! There might be occasional use of  inappropriate language,usually futile in use. Hence to those who swear by not swearing,you can close this page,go for a walk and believe that "there are no such things as weird and crazy people who don't want you to read their blog"

Hmmmm... Yeah,one more thing i do not like is that.There is no spell check!!!! (How the hell do you make the "crying" smiley face?) Huh???? Did you just read crying smiley face?? Actually yeah,you did.
Even facebook has spell check now!!!!!

Hence i request (whosoever) the reader to errrr pardon me of the odd gramatical nuances comma,fullstop orrr.....even me not stopping at all.

End of foreword!!!(I feel this blog is wrongly bookish feeling....not that i give a dam/bridge/ping-pong ball)

Wokkay,Lets start with The Short Dude(TSD) already...
TSD is your average short dude,about 160cm, 130lbs, looks a bitttt better than your average Joe,mmmm,slightly random...errr lets just leave the appearances upto your imagination of TSD because,right now,TSD just remembered that he was to be somewhere about 10 minutes ago...Time to time travel!!!
Write to you!!!(you see,I can't really SEE you... :P)

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