Friday, 26 April 2013

Let's get it wrong!!

It is a cumulative 21 years of careful,conscious(maybe) and exhaustive(for me) observations,ladies and gentlemen,that you see here right in front of you. Annd it all came from someone who sprang up fom sleep at 4 a.m. and decided that the world is ready to view the contents of his mighty little brain. Hmm... sounds right about right..Right?? Yeah,we all,the whole of bloody mankind!! the whole of ruddy Homo sapiens,Homo e'rectum',Homo whatever!! an all of ....well basically we come from a history of 'Let's get it RIGHT', or maybe,'Let's figure it out' and the likes.

Then we ponder over this question of WHY this dude called god sent us down here,(no offence to believers),or what is the purpose of life and all. So basically we all try our level best to be as 'right' as possible. I mean,the word 'wrong' is as much a taboo as the THREE LETTER do I put it?? Oh chuck the word... Okay you get it don't you.So that is apparently how life goes,and most of us live it as it goes..THE WORD IS SEX(by the way)!!

Yeah,and to fix this innate tendency of ours to screw it all up,we have workshops,pep talks,consultants,psychiatrists(wow just figured out the correct spelling for that one) etc. etc so that,somehow we all get it right by the end of the day.

I recently saw this TED talk by Kathryn Schulz about 'Being Wrong'...I heard this term WRONGOLOGY for the first time in my life.So she somehow chose to be a wrongologist(Okay,It does sound like professional catastrophe ) but then she says it has no job competition. Okay,Fair enough. Whatever,keeps her happy. I mean who gives??Eh? Anyone?
See??That is the real point!! Nobody gives a THHHHINGGG! 
What is wrong? The best definition I can see of Wrong is this-something that's not right.Yeah I checked the dictionary too,it blurted words like 'Incorrect',unfair,blah blah ...yap yap...That is probably the one word on that page that had the most number of meanings. Wow,how many ways can you type the meaning of a word consecutively?? Seriously!! Get a life...Or do it if the number of meanings you have is one/2 more that the closest competing dictionary company.
Basically what this wrongologist had to say is that until we don't  look at things with a possibility of them being wrong,we will never really realize that it is,in fact,okay to be wrong.

I know I am missing 'N+22' points that I want to say,but I am desperately running out of motivation to write any further.So I shall leave you with this...
Right is fine..But do something wrong...It may be fun :)

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