Monday, 1 July 2013

Today's Word

It is time to spread the word..and the word is ONSLAUGHT!!
It is absolute bombardment on the human senses! The other day, I just started taking driving spite of having a license to kill.... a)by driving fellow humans crazy....and b) by driving over them(for now...) what I realized was the amount of information one has to receive and process while driving a vehicle from all possible directions... Yeah,it slowly becomes second nature, so-on and forth, but for now, it looks scary.
Somewhere 6-8 months ago, I remember, I was sitting in a lecture. Suddenly, a reading worm bit me...On my bum!! I actually started reading for a very different reason,which was anything, but to develop it as a hobby. But books have a way of their own. They told me to get them.THAT!! is the difference between a BOOK...and a girl. Damn! I so shouldn't have written that last line(see how I smartly didn't CAPITALIZE the word 'girl'?? I just capitalized on my chance of reading... smart huh??) Okay!! Coming back to books, I noticed this restlessness in me long before the bug-to-bum incident. It's happened(and still happens) usually in a book store/library or any such place filled with books. The confusion is out of what to read? What to buy?? How many to buy???
Complete overload!!!! I buy two,regret not buying the other 6... Who told that our kind behaves rationally? There have been books on the irrational behavior of man!!
Again, there's an onslaught on your senses by your own mind.....pulling and tugging you from all sides.
I have been in and out of a lot of shopping malls in the last couple of months. Nothing unusual for the fortunate ones. But there is something I noticed rather recently. It is commonplace in a surrounding such as a mall..This, I call 'PSYCHEDELIC ONSLAUGHT!!' The manner that colours shoot at you from every corner of one's field of vision almost feels like optical asphyxiation! It actually takes a while to get used to the setting. Annnd then, all the psychology the manufacturer has put into the product starts to take it's toll on you in a good way(for the manufacturer, anyway). It was obviously intended.
Thing is that(as per personal experience) our eyes are attracted to colors. It is while typing the last line that I realized our fascination for rainbows. Remember? as kids? It was like something to boast least for my friends..."You know?? I saw a rainbow!!" It's not that it wasn't something for me to boast about... The first one I saw was when I turned 19... You see what happens when a 19 year old goes about announcing he witnessing a rainbow??
I'll tell you...
Me: "Dude!! Dude!! I saw a rainbow yesterday!!"
Friend(the Dude..) : "Get a life man!! Ho old  are you?? 4??"
Me: Forever lonely...
I am just fortunate that the above incident didn't happen with a girl.. Actually it is unfortunate that it didn't happen with a girl...they seem to be a bit more sensitive to rainbow-ish things.. ORRR maybe not. Forget it...
There's another thing that has been widely talked upon. CHOICE. I am a fan of Malcolm Gladwell and of people(very few of whom I know about) who look at stuff that many a times goes unnoticed.
Apart from many of the things that we have successfully managed to get backwards,choice is one of them.
If given a choice between choosing between 3 varieties of um.... say flavored...chewing gums(Dirty mind!!) and 7 varieties of chewing gum i.e. you are either asked to choose between 3 flavours/7 flavors at any time, we inadvertently opt to choose to opt from the 7 flavors. But there's a trick. It turns out that deciding to choose from 7 flavors is a lot more frustrating than to do the same from 3 choices. So more options, more ways to happiness turns out to be wrong..
As for the 'ONSLAUGHT' aspect of Choice is when we look at something like the 'Cereal isle' of a shopping mall. "20-25 years ago,there was barely a single rack for breakfast cereals. Now,as the word goes,there's an isle dedicated to cereals. What to pick?What to leave?  Muesli? Corn Flakes?? Special K(For the ladies..)Wheat bran?Your brain? My brain? Aaarrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!
Let's just gulp coffee and take off in the morning!! Nescafe or Bru?? 

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