Saturday, 5 October 2013

It worked.

This is one instance where the phrase "Trust me!" is going to sound obsolete at the end of this page.
The whole sequence of things may sound a bit inconvenient for a morning routine, but the feeling at the end of it is worth the effort.
Just to top off the cake's icing with a little red cherry, a little morning sweat would go a long way.
After all the sweaty part, if anyone bothers to go through that part anyway, just find a place where there's a lot of sunlight, the morning-8 o'clock type sunlight. Stand under the beacon of sunlight. Close your eyes, and just feel your heartbeat. Let the sunlight wash you. Rather, feel yourself drown in it. Don't think a lot. If the heavy-sweating part of the routine has been taken care of, you probably wouldn't want to think about anything at this point.If luck favors, you might just get goosebumps. Feel the mellow heat on your eye lids. That reddish glow... The warmth. 
There's just one inherent trouble with this. You don't want to get out of it! But beyond a point, you'll not have a problem letting go of the feeling, not because it is getting hot, or anything. The experience will stay with you, long after you've left the scene. Its like a good piece of fine dark chocolate. I have to thank a lot of things to have been fortunate enough to get a taste of something as divine as that, besides having the tongue capable enough to appreciate it.  
Open your eyes. For a second, everything will have a grey-ish-blue tinge to it. THAT is one thing that makes the whole thing so completely worth doing every morning. 
Rise and shine!
Again, I'll say it just for the heck of it. TRUST ME! It works.

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