Scenes that really excite us, like REALLY EXCITE US, are a rare find. Be it movies, be it real life. Okay, maybe that's not true for movies. Nevertheless, here's a story. Let's just start at that.
The scene begins in a garden, actually at its entrance. It was a big garden. A very well maintained one. It didn't have a sand-pit with all the slides, swings and see-saws for kids, which saved the garden from the noise and carnage, that a bunch of innocent little torrents were capable of creating. It was almost an 'A' certified garden, quiet, serene, and virtually motionless, except for a few huffing-puffing and panting aunti-type creatures. But that wasn't the only kind of motion you could find. The place was also a place for working out facial muscles. It's just that you don't grow biceps on your face at the end of the session. A bit on that, a bit later.
There were also a lot of bushes around. Bushes make a lot of things convenient, specially when they cocoon a bench capable of seating two. And it wasn't too hard to find such bush-cocooned benches-capable-of-seating-two.
On one such bench, there were two, seated comfortably. Actually, a bit too comfortably. WAIT! It looked like these two folks had read this piece of information on some 'The *****Times' website that kissing burns 120 calories per hour.Hmm.. So they were trying to lose weight.
Almost forgot! The garden was famous for it's weight loss stories! Many of those fellows who testify on TV that some XYZ pill helped them lose weight, all were found to be regular visitors of this garden. Just kidding.
So, these folks on the bench were doing their thing, kissing, then murmuring something neither one of them understood, then kissing again, then murmuring, and so on. If what they did were a computer program, it would have been a recursive loop! Little did they know that a bunch of teenagers were getting all excited watching these two,quite literally jumping in their places out of excitement. What innocent faces! And how happy they looked! That is, the bunch of teenagers, not the kissy-folks. Kissy folks never look innocent. They sometimes look like cannibals! Okay, not these two. The girl looked fine. The guy, as usual, looked the kind that every time he was seen with the girl, people thought "Goodness! How can this guy have a girlfriend?? Huh?".
Everything was going fine. It had been going on fine for a bit too long. They had easily hit their weight-loss target for the week, probably. Meanwhile, on the other side of the bushes, one fellow, let's call him the Lone.Wolf, decided to part from his pack, as he spotted a better position for stalking his....preys. He occupies this so-called better place and enjoys the 'better view'. Good for him.
And a bit more time goes by. And a bit more. And Mr. Lone.Wolf decided that he'd had enough. He's bored of watching. here's the important part....
Mr. Lone.Wolf was gutsy. He was kind-of odd, but he was really gutsy, the kind who'd ask your girlfriend out in front of you.....and probably get beaten up....
This fellow goes and stands in front of the bench-seated couple and starts off....
"Hey! Dude, I know that girl is the Principal's daughter! And you have had enough! Even I want to kiss her! You see? I have already taken photos of the two of you getting all cozy and snoggy! Let me kiss the lady, and I shall hand over my cell-phone to you. Promise!"
Mr. Lone Wolf even followed his epic line with a smile. And he continued.
"Else, the photo goes into the Principal's mailbox!!"
You see, after the NSA robbing everyone of their so called privacy, now this. The guy(Mr. Boyfriend) must have felt devastated! Given the situation, in some alternate reality, he could have done a dozen intelligent things to get himself out of his dilemma, but in this dimension, he turned out to be a bum. He almost let go of the girl, almost suggesting that he had no qualms with Mr. Lone.Wolf kissing his lady, just to ensure that he got Wolf's camera phone, in which lay his salvation. His lady, seeing the lack of a spine in her man's, now ex-man's spine, left the scene.
Mr. Boyfriend got hold of Wolf's phone, searched its memory inside out for the supposedly taken photo..... Wait for it... Wait for it.................................
Nothing!! No photo! Now, he could even hear the giggles coming from the bushes behind him, from our jumping-on-the-spot monkey gang. Had he looked in the mirror, he'd have definitely seen something like this...
Goodness! What all one needs to do to show that someone's got to grow some balls!
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