There's a line I read a while ago. I can't exactly remember the exact wording, but it went something like this-
If you find yourself surrounded by douche-bags, you are probably looking at your surroundings, more so the people in your surroundings with a very narrow perspective.
It is hard to come even close to realizing the amount of genius that surrounds us. And by genius, it is not a reference to the equation-solving blokes or the computer-nerds. There's all kinds of genius! Everywhere! The guy sitting next to us during lectures might be the next big artist.The thin lean girl, whom you might have only looked at because she looked cute, turns out, she has climbed Mt. Everest. The geek in your class, who is looked upon as just another number cruncher in the so called 'flawed' academic system? Turns out that he applied for an internship at New York University under a professor, got accepted, and dropped it all because he felt it would be too expensive a deal for his parents, whereas another guy, a year ago, went to CERN for an internship. Maybe, lets not just get mangled in purely academic examples. Remember the silent one in class? If situation demanded, he/she would have stood up for the class, and in all possibility, he/she did. Maybe that's why he/she no longer remained the 'Silent one' any more. Many among us love to watch movies. But how many quotes could one recite without making a single error in the dialogue, or the style in which it was delivered in the movie? More importantly, how many fellows out there even pay extremely close attention to the intricacies of a dialogue, who actually revel in every word that comes out of every character's mouth? Actually, there are many. It's just that most don't notice.
As a matter of fact, which may actually sound like I am boasting, it truly takes a genius to spot one. Be it any situation, if you are surrounded by people, there will always emerge the proverbial 'Ten gallon head', maybe not the same one each time, and maybe not just one each time. For a change sometimes, it just might be you or I. If you are already a 10 gallon head, RESPECT! If not(yet), as Steve Jobs said in his commencement speech at Stanford,
"As with all matters of the heart, you will know when it is right. Keep looking for what you love to do."
Okay, maybe, let's move a step beyond the obvious awesomeness we might already be used to. Let's do a kind of sound check. Remember the fellow who's smiling all the time, singing in his cacophonous tone each time you run into him in the hostel/college/apartment building corridor, almost like he's high 'full time'?? In all probability, he could be 'high....full time'. Also, maybe he's high on life, FULL TIME. So he doesn't give a flying pig's ass about those who do not like what he sings, SPECIFICALLY if no one has the balls to go and tell him regarding the same. The simple act of just enjoying the short life we have to the possible fullest takes a genius of another kind.
We are surrounded by awesomeness. The people around us are awesome! What the awesome people do, is awesome!(Yes, people are what they do. All apologies for the redundancy of the previous statement!) Realizing the awesomeness in the awesome things that awesome people also awesome!
At the end of all of this, there is this very strange feeling that I experience each time I feel the abundance of awesomeness in human potential. The feeling I am talking about is, albeit extremely difficult to put into describe, but I feel a strange sensation in my chest and stomach. And NO, I do not have 'gas' issues.
The feeling I am talking about seems like everything inside you,each cell is about to explode outwards. I feel extremely restless. Every moment lost, feels like the desperation for a gasp of air when you are drowning; like if you were told that you have only 10 more minutes of your life left on earth. It is just too powerful a sensation. It is these times I feel most inspired and motivated to nail anything and everything I do/am doing at that time. (Uh..oh..I see trouble in that last line....) I feel unbeatable. And I crave for these moments. It is strange, the human psyche. How it has the power to make one feel happy due to the success/triumph of another.
Look around. Feel the all-pervading ether of awesomeness. Can't see it? You ain't looking!
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