Monday, 17 March 2014

Elusively Beautiful

Beauty, needless to say, has a way of escaping the eye. Specially the eye that isn't hunting for beauty. There definitely are things that are strikingly beautiful, and without objectifying anything or anyone, there are too many a people who, in public opinion, are unanimously considered beautiful. But what to do with all the things that everyone agrees on? It is in looking for diamonds in places no one thinks of, and more so finding a diamond in such a place, that makes one realize the real charm of life.
Coming back to beauty, it obviously, more than anything else, lies in the eye of the beholder.
And I was fortunate enough to call myself the beholder, albeit for a very short span of time.

If you look at her on an average day, for all you know, you wouldn't notice her, until you talk to her, feel the enthusiasm in her eyes..
I call her 'the Mirror'. Why? Talk to her for a while. Just pay her a bit of your attention, and you will notice your own emotions being reflected back at you. While the previous line may not make much sense, one surely needs to witness her eyes to understand what I just said. I just happen to have had the opportunity to witness her enthusiastic eyes, not once, but many times.
As far a appearance went, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary that she wore on the day, that would come across as 'striking'.
I came across a saying somewhere... It goes like this.. “If a lady is poorly dressed, you'll notice the dress. If she is impeccably dressed, you'll notice the lady”. Although the saying is slightly out of place, what I want to say here is about the way she carried herself, more so, how beautifully she did so in the simple attire that she was wearing. Nothing overstated. More than anything, what added to her beauty was the smile she wore, which she actually always does, if you notice carefully.

It all happened about a week before. I was slightly skeptical about asking her out for a dance during my college festival, mostly out of a fear of getting slapped. But we were good friends, and thankfully, we had been that way for a while now. So, for all it was worth, I took the risk of getting slapped and asked her out anyway. Thankfully, she turned out to be the forgiving type. So I (narrowly) escaped getting slapped. Fortunately, I also realized that I live in a world where people seldom look beyond ostensible details, which turned out to be good for me. So now, I had a gorgeous lady by my side, whom no one would noticed until it was too late... for the world to see what they had missed out on. And for the sake of heavens, I couldn't hide my excitement, which I apparently managed to hide very well, for she probably still doesn't know how madly my chest was thumping when she came along with her friend to meet me..

I was standing with a friend of mine, waiting for her to arrive at the venue. My friend was asking me about my plans for the afternoon. All he knew was that there was a dance workshop being conducted near to where we were standing. I was just telling him how I was planning to pick up the first single lady around to accompany me to the dance workshop. He looked at me mockingly. Even I just laughed it off as a joke. At this point, I was almost nervous that 'she' would skip out on me. That sure a hell was a stupid thought, but it was a thought nevertheless...
I was just about to turn around when she and her friend came along to the venue. Just to play along with my friend, who, I suppose was still unaware about my devious 'pre-arrangements', I pretended as though I didn't know the two ladies who had suddenly turned up.
I just told my friend to wait and watch my magical charm, as I would try to ask one of the two ladies out for a dance..
So I turned to one of the two beautiful ladies,(to My lady, of course.... ) and asked her, in my most gentle-manly manner “Would you like to go to dance with me?”...
What I was most afraid of was that she would say a “No”, maybe just for the fun of it. Goodness!! That would have been an absolute disaster!!
But what came as a response to my question made me feel like the king of the world for that moment, and for many more to follow...
For starters, she smiled, displaying all her 32, and said what sounded like a resounding “Yes!”. Man!! If life were a cassette, I would just like it to get stuck on that stretch of time between her smiling and the 'yes' coming out of her. Okay, NO! NO! NO! NO! In that case, I wouldn't have been able to dance with her.. So chuck the idea of the cassette getting stuck anywhere.

There is something so overwhelming about a lady willingly submitting herself to your touch. The very thought that your lady trusts you, makes you want to treat her to the best of your abilities. And secretly, it makes you feel so much stronger, not because of your inherent advantage in terms of pure strength, but for the sole reason that you now want to do everything in your power to keep her out of harm's way at any cost. Just like how a woman primes her senses the moment she feels a threat for her off-springs or her dear ones, there surely is a male analogy to the same process.
There were a bunch of couples who had turned up to attend the workshop. We were all made to stand in a huge circle, and exchange partners, moving all around, until we completed an entire circle to come back to our original partners. And each time I completed the circle, I was the most happiest person alive! I sure as hell hope she shared my feelings... If not that, the very least I hope is that she didn't utter something under her breath like “Oh shit! The arsehole's back!!”... which I am sure she didn't... well, almost sure...... Okay, she probably did mutter “Oh shit! The arsehole's back!!” under her breath....

So after a lot of lifting, laughing, turning, twisting and also a little what we considered to be dancing, the evening came to an end..... Happyz endingz...
I was glad for the way it went.. Now, for what I am about to say next, imagine me jumping like a nine year old girl when she gets her first Barbie doll/doll house or something. “I TOOK A LADY TO A DANCE!!! YAY!! YAY!!”...or rather “A LADY ACTUALLY AGREED TO ACCOMPANY ME TO A DANCE!!! YAY!! YAY!! YAY!!”.
Among my folks, I am considered a real brute when it comes to mannerisms. So when I told my fellows about I taking a lady to a dance, they all(okay, just my three fellows), each one of them (rascals), individually told me “Dude, please, for the love of humanity, behave well, PLEASE!”.
I always responded with a “Yeah...OKAY...”. Guess it went fine.

As for the beautiful lady repeatedly mentioned above, if anyone's wondering who it was, for the love of myself, I wouldn't tell a soul. If you ask “why so?”, I'd say “Hard luck, buddy...”.

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