A second. That's all it takes. That one ruddy fragment of time can play havoc in your universe, or it can wipe off all the lousy clouds and brighten your day!
Lose your attention for a second whilst in a class... Welcome! You are now attending a class called Greek-101.
Just hold onto all your might. Ignore the suffocating pain in your calves hammering the track below. You might have just defeated your opponent who, a moment ago, was a whisker or two ahead of you.
A moment ago, you hadn't realized something. Now, just a second later, you did. And you feel pathetic about it. Or maybe not. You just realized that a '4' is going to be in place of the '6' you had put in a square while solving a Sudoku puzzle. Woalah! You just defied death, in case you were playing the game "Solve-the-puzzle-and-save-yourself"....
By the way, never mind the poor joke.
It's all in the moment. It's all about the moment. Right now, a moment just went by. One more is just passing by right now. See? It just went by. There!!! Another one's coming! You see? You see?
There's this big confusion in the thought-factory creating these lines that you're reading. It may be of no significance while looking at the larger picture, whatever that may be, but isn't the distinction between a moment and a second rather elusive? Which one's smaller? A moment? Or a second? And when we use the remark "Wait a second", do we actually tell the person to wait for a second? (What a stupid question indeed! Who the hell is this writer? Usain Bolt?)
Pretty surely, there is no mathematics involved for dividing a moment into seconds, or seconds into moments, whichever way sounds convenient.
I had to check around to ensure the lack of any mathematical significance Areyoufreakingcrazytogoanyfurtherorwhat!!!
It takes moments for people to select you for something. Similarly, the same is true for rejection. We all have this Court of Judgement(Not necessarily for justice, nor justification..). In this book called Blink, this nerdy fellow Malcolm Gladwell mentions how we are programmed to judge people in our surroundings. Much of it is evolutionary. It makes the whole process of sorting easy, although not necessarily translating to a correct choice every time. For instance, guys have an inclination to wide hips on a lady. Yeah, I really have a feeling I am going to get beaten up now. So anyways, the wide hips are a sign that the delivery of a child will be easy on the kid(Maybe not necessarily for the lady though). Evolutionary predisposition, you see? Yeah, I promise to not use big words again.
A blink. How long does it take? A moment? A second sounded a bit too long for a blink, I suppose. Yesterday might look like a blink ago. So can a year or a lifetime. We've all heard that.
I have this song, very regularly ringing in my head...and my phone. 'Lose yourself' That's the song. It is a song that makes you feel guilty for every moment you lose/waste. Besides, if you are into long-distance running, put this song on. Your distances will disappear! Like 'POOF'!
The lyrics go like "Lose yourself in the music, the moment,You own it"
As a matter of fact, we are usually unhappy when we lose our moments. We just don't realize it while losing them. Oh! By the way, there's some theory that says that we are actually living half a second behind our time. Yeah. Half a second. So what ever happened, in this case, whatever anyone read, that is iff anyone read right now, more importantly, realized reding now, was something the eyes picked up half a second ago. BRILLIANT!
So now, if anyone;s wondering....how do we catch a ball flying towards us at the right time, instead of it smashing into our face? Haha! Funny scenario...the one below..
That one....
I guess he didn't read this post...
Nevertheless, it's like our brain is constantly processing the possible outcomes of any given situation. So when you see a ball flying at you, the brain sends our hands to a position on the ball's trajectory in order to save face(or save the face...)I found this book called 'Demystifying the brain' by this fellow called V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy. Guess where I found it? NPTEL!!! That was like my 'moment' of the day! As a very close friend of mine says "Good shit man! Good shit!". No clue how the book's going to be, but sounds interesting.
Coming back to moments, I have this theory, which quite apparently, or may be not so apparently ,isn't something I put to practice as often I'd like. So here goes the 'Theory'.
Each moment that passes, either do what you like doing, or do what you ought to be doing.
I know. It sounds too preachy. Besides, each one knows this.. Nah!! I don't think so. I was just trying to be modest. That's about all the moments of another soul I'd like to take with this post.
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