Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Things..As usual

You know what? Uncertainty is a good thing. Yeah, I know you don't know this. And then, there's is something that comes into play by itself without anyone's permission. Imagination. It is like an uninvited guest in any event, the event preferably being a marriage. Don't ask 'Why only a marriage?'. I don't know. It's probably because an uninvited guest in a marriage sounds inherently extra cheap. Forget the guest... We were on 'imagination'.
So, something is going to happen. It may be inside you, around you...or maybe in any and every place that my head doesn't want to be seen imagining. And the good thing is that you want it to happen. But, between all things that have happened and all that haven't, there are too many butts. Okay, no comprehensive descriptions of the derrieres that may have come by, by the way.
Confusing so far? The writer will also feel that way, if he happens to have the mind to read the above paragraphs.
Let's take an example of an event that has no relation to the paragraphs above. It wouldn't help understand the situation above...or who knows? It just might. You see, sometimes, even a wrong train takes you in the right direction. I most definitely have no clue how that works, but I shall get back to that, the next time the moon turns blue. (Dear Moon, please hold your breath long enough, like they do in Tom & Jerry).
There's this selection going to happen for the Music club of your college.
Most of the fellows(The MEMBERS) in the club happen to  be close friends.
You intend to be one among them.
So you do all the acrobatics with the guitar, your larynx, pharynx and all the stuff, stuffed in your neck,
And all the world conspires to materialize your dream by cutting down on the number of people giving the auditions.
You go to the auditions, realizing that for the first time, the universe has conspired and all that 'filmy stuff'....
All the adrenaline of the planet has somehow entered your blood stream.
Your heart is pounding like a freaked out war-horse.
Some people keep going in and out of the auditioning room.
You look around, surprisingly calm on the surface.
The ticker is still pounding inside, turning the contents of your thoracic cavity(the CHEST!) into pulp.
Then, some more people go in and out. And then some more,....ANNND some more go in and out.
You're like okay, my number could be up anytime... Anytime a few moments.
Then there's this arse who looks at you, calls you, and when you go to him, he says "Who called you? I was calling the guy behind you!"
And you're like...."SHIT!!"'
Such situations are kind-of embarrassing. I mean, the 'You-going-when-the-guy-behind-you-is-being-called-and-hence-making-an-ass-out-of-yourself'' type situation. Fine, today, there's this new found patience you find within all that...err...flesh(I'd like to show modesty by not using the word kind of spoils the whole scene...)
So you wait.
And when the last 2 people(including yourself, of course) are left, you get called. Surprisingly, you aren't one bit pissed(How?? HUH??).
You go inside, do few things right, a bit of your acrobatics goes awry....I mean most of it goes awry.. You manage to pull off something decently in the name of saving your face, scarring it anyways. So now, you're Scarface! Thumb up! But somehow, Al Pacino dying in the movie Scarface(Like in all his movies) sort-of makes you feel miserable. Eh!! Screw it! Who gives?

Sometime later, you come back to your room, write a lot about what just happened, about how some mysterious forces kept your near and dear ones(most of them) from seeing you in times of peril, somehow, hoping to get a call for round 2. You see, hope's a bitch! But it stays by your side no matter what.
So now, I sit and think...."Since I haven't mentioned anything controversial, anything about chicks or anything controversial about chicks, no one's going to read up to this line anyways. So let me not publish it in the first place!"
I go back to some video I was watching... This guy is showing some new method to tie shoelaces correctly. Considering that tying my shoelace is a life-skill I thought I had nailed(probably the only life-skill), this 51 year old just  came and destroyed my considerations!
Oh! Hell!! It seems I just got a call for round 2!! Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!
I am supposed to be jumping around right now.... Chuck it!!! Let's just end this one right here..
"It's over!"

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