Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Knight owl

Ever seen people go to sleep,and wake up in the morning and seen the expression on their face??
The expression goes like this...
And in your own head,one's like :YEAH PUNNNKK!!!
For some reason,nights feel a lot more productive when you're onto something. Daytime just goes by.Something or the other comes up and ...gone,there goes time out of the window.
Night time is like,you put a stick of chewing gum in your mouth,keep double the requisite quantity of coffee(as by now,one is virtually immune to coffee) and set off into the dark.
I keep repeating this but I HATE SLEEP. Trouble is,when I fall for it,I turn into Kumbhakarana! It's written everywhere,GET MORE SLEEP,GET MORE SLEEP!!! 6 hours,7 hours 8 hours...Sounds like someone selling you sleep using some discount scheme.. The discount is your time on earth!
You sleep too less,it seems you start to feel disorientated(Okay,you do feel a bit irritated sometimes)
If you sleep too much,it seems you are at risk of some random heart disease(No clue about this one..)
Yeah,sleep it over..This thing actually works.
But Damn! Why do we get tired? Right now,as you read this,the person who was writing it a while back was fighting this 'tire'anny.
It sort of becomes difficult to get ideas right. All stuff gets jumbled in your head. Strangely,when you're done,you very well know that you are done.Sad part is that you can do nothing about it other than letting your body take over. I don't have much to boast about,but 2 consecutive nights has been my best at staying awake.But the moment you put physical activity into account,the body and mind enter a battle field...Body wins...Hands down. This thing demands too much for carrying the mind around!!!
Somewhere you realize that whatever you are ranting about is...
1-Not making sense
2-Isn't funny
3-Better if stays in your head,rather than coming out into the world.
So you abruptly end the topic.
Good night!

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