Sunday, 2 June 2013

Something just happened...two weeks ago

Whattt???? Are they jobless?? Or are the viewers jobless? Joblessness has brought an entire nation to think,discuss,cuss,argue,scream and shout over one of the most futile,frivolous and unfruitful topics of the millenium for about 2 weeks now!!
The only thing every news channel is yapping about is how they are giving out the LATEST updates of how random folks are laundering money in all directions,and how all of it will be solved if a bunch of people resign from their positions! Brilliant I guess. LUDICROUS!!
I mean 2 weeks? Discussing this sort of stuff? I mean when nations are dealing with nukes,all people are concerned about is a stupid bunch of people? News hosts have such a firm conviction of what GREAT a job they are doing,that they just bring along a bunch of people desperate to appear on the TV screen to validate all the hypothesis. And after so much discussion,what out of it??
Yay!! They have solved the whole issue sitting in the news room! OR...They have so successfully informed the public that,all power is in the hands of a few people who are controlling mostly everything(That may be true,but not in this context). The only people I genuinely feel bad for is the fellows who saved up their cash for a ticket to the games.
Maybe I do not get the intensity of the situation because,I frankly do not follow a lot of sports. Specially,when the whole nation is after the same sport,and also because I lost nothing in the bid. If you are the one who lost your money/got tricked by a bunch of dudes who took advantage of you,by all means,go find the guy who did this to you,and kill him! But what about those who mindlessly sit in front of the TV for the LATEST breaking update on this issue to whine away their time??

ONE MORE THING! What is the purpose of a post-match analysis session?? I mean the fellows are done playing.What is the use of some GAME EXPERTS commenting their way to glory over things they have no control over?? There are great players who get attacked in a train by muggers,lose their legs in the process,and still have the balls(figuratively of course) to climb the Everest,in spite of having been condemned by the nation's government. And we talk of non-athletic good-for-nothings who surprisingly reach the home-screen after doing nothing!
It's almost like there is someone orchestrating the whole scenario,like the scene in the movie 'BATMAN RETURNS' where Riddler wants to control an entire city's population with his mind using the TV...

Noww..How do I get this idea to spread and stick??

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