It was fun to do it as kids..This one blank page had a number of dots all over it,sometimes numbered as per sequence to be followed while joining them..The fancy books even had the color schemes given to complete the big picture. Most often though,we all did this to get familiar with alphabets,numbers,words,sentences et cetera(Yeah,that's what 'etc' stands for,in Latin,for 'and other things'...obviously). Every day,we learned something new,which even now,we do if willing to. But back sounds slightly weird..about two decades ago,everything went in reverse gear.
Check the scenario for a second. You were given a bunch of dots to connect to get a better understanding of where you were heading.
If you happen to be a 20 something,and were asked to connect the dots to draw the bigger picture of where you are headed.....Well forget it.No point.
It is one of the most frustrating questions you ask yourself,time and again..Now what??
With parents,friends,all ruddy relatives,even more of the unrelated ones asking the same question.."What are your future plans",life is hell. Especially,if you hate the thoughts of a desk-job,it becomes even more difficult.(I have full trust in the fact that,now,more than ever before,No company is going to hire me!!)..
But stick with yourself,it will be easy to realize that things were meant to make sense,which is very much a result of the firm conviction in yourself(It sounds a lot more convincing when your mood is good).
I mean,now,there's Steve Job's Stanford speech about connecting the dots. This is something that will only look right in the hindsight. And I guess it is fair enough. What's the point of knowing where the dots will be,and then feeling great about connecting them? Maybe,it is all about the chase. Then,there's also Rashmi Bansal writing an entire book about "C.nnecting The D.ts"(Okay,that was a bad idea...).
I look back a few months on my 'timeline'(Not on Facebook!!! Real life timeline for a change). I remember sitting in the college library,bored to death.I had this urge to write often. Then,I felt,why not write a blog?? What do I have to lose? What I usually wrote,was left trapped in my notebooks and diaries. In this case,if I did write a blog,the worst thing would be that no one would read it.So I was never worse off..Good for me. Fast forward a few months,I read this article about the 'Top 10 ways to de-stress'. One of them was to work out...Another apparently was to start a blog.. Wow,I was on a fucking roll!!! Basically,I did stuff that left me lower on stress,even without knowing it.
Okay,enough of the cocky part.
Fast forward a few more steps. I had a dream of organizing a TEDx event in my college. In the application form,there's a question which goes like...'Mention any website/blog'(any active online stuff you do) which would help TED understand you better.'
The smile I had on my face that day,when I filled the application form,is not something I see too often,not that I don't smile otherwise. Sometimes I don't have a reason to double up. My dad tells me,I go mad without getting drunk..GOOD FOR ME!!
So it will all happen.The ups,the downs..we know the whole jig(actually I don't..and trust me,neither does anyone).But it'll be fun I suppose..the thrill of uncertainty and the likes.
We should go back to being kids.Pencils in hand,searching for the next dot,completing the BIG picture.
Check the scenario for a second. You were given a bunch of dots to connect to get a better understanding of where you were heading.
If you happen to be a 20 something,and were asked to connect the dots to draw the bigger picture of where you are headed.....Well forget it.No point.
It is one of the most frustrating questions you ask yourself,time and again..Now what??
With parents,friends,all ruddy relatives,even more of the unrelated ones asking the same question.."What are your future plans",life is hell. Especially,if you hate the thoughts of a desk-job,it becomes even more difficult.(I have full trust in the fact that,now,more than ever before,No company is going to hire me!!)..
But stick with yourself,it will be easy to realize that things were meant to make sense,which is very much a result of the firm conviction in yourself(It sounds a lot more convincing when your mood is good).
I mean,now,there's Steve Job's Stanford speech about connecting the dots. This is something that will only look right in the hindsight. And I guess it is fair enough. What's the point of knowing where the dots will be,and then feeling great about connecting them? Maybe,it is all about the chase. Then,there's also Rashmi Bansal writing an entire book about "C.nnecting The D.ts"(Okay,that was a bad idea...).
I look back a few months on my 'timeline'(Not on Facebook!!! Real life timeline for a change). I remember sitting in the college library,bored to death.I had this urge to write often. Then,I felt,why not write a blog?? What do I have to lose? What I usually wrote,was left trapped in my notebooks and diaries. In this case,if I did write a blog,the worst thing would be that no one would read it.So I was never worse off..Good for me. Fast forward a few months,I read this article about the 'Top 10 ways to de-stress'. One of them was to work out...Another apparently was to start a blog.. Wow,I was on a fucking roll!!! Basically,I did stuff that left me lower on stress,even without knowing it.
Okay,enough of the cocky part.
Fast forward a few more steps. I had a dream of organizing a TEDx event in my college. In the application form,there's a question which goes like...'Mention any website/blog'(any active online stuff you do) which would help TED understand you better.'
The smile I had on my face that day,when I filled the application form,is not something I see too often,not that I don't smile otherwise. Sometimes I don't have a reason to double up. My dad tells me,I go mad without getting drunk..GOOD FOR ME!!
So it will all happen.The ups,the downs..we know the whole jig(actually I don't..and trust me,neither does anyone).But it'll be fun I suppose..the thrill of uncertainty and the likes.
We should go back to being kids.Pencils in hand,searching for the next dot,completing the BIG picture.
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