Friday, 9 August 2013

Dealing in the dark

I was wandering into the dark night for my usual stroll. A few stray lamp posts passed me by occasionally. No humans. The trees spread their canopy on either side to make the road look like a tunnel of sorts. A man walked onto the road. He entered the road from an intersection in front of me. The moment he felt my presence, his steps quickened. He kept glancing sideways, to get the best view of my position. I did not bother hiding myself. Although I had matched the sound of my steps to his. Not my speed, just the sound. So all he heard was his own steps. There was a left turn right ahead. He took the turn, and I don't know why, he started running. Strange. I felt this tickling sensation.It almost made me laugh, sensing his anxiety.....His fear. 
I kept walking ahead. I know not why,but except for the omnipresent sound of the night, I didn't hear, nor feel any presence of anything. 

I came to this point... I was looking for it, without knowing that I was looking for it. It might sound fancy, but I had just reached a crossroad. I looked around. It struck me that every way I looked, felt the same, somehow suggesting that it did not matter which road I chose. 

I stood in the middle of the road. I was waiting. Waiting to make a deal.

The night, in spite of all it's darkness for some reason, felt peaceful. The fear I felt as a child, while walking out at night, the need to hold onto Dad's hand was.......... gone. Dark windows looked nothing more than empty spaces. The shadows kept to themselves. My riddance of my fears had led me to my ascension. Now I felt it.  Now,things were the other way round.

I waited at the crossroad, waiting for them to come. They never did. I felt my forehead, just to reinforce my convictions. The two were in place. I checked my hands. They were mine. The same mat-blood-red ones. 
I am no evil, as I have been accused of being in scriptures. As they say, people fear of what they don't understand.... 
As for tonight, they must have known. A deal was going to be expensive.

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