Eww!! Nasty things!!! Imagine!!! The remarks may sound a bit too exclamatory, but please bear for the moment. So yes, IMMMMAGINE! Worms going into your ears! How about all of this while you're sleeping? Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!
Remember how there's always this one song, which one may ABSOLUTELY HATE! Strangely enough, that song might be pretty popular, for or without reason. So here's the situation.
हम तेरे बिन अब रह नहीं सकते, तेरे बिना क्या वजूद मेरा ..........(I cannot live without you, without you, my existence is meaningless.) Whatttt??? Seriously? I know, I am over-reacting, specially out of the fear that we humans have this 'thing' for sad, rather sadist songs.
So it goes on!! On!! annnnd ONNNN!!!!!! Everyone is singing it! No one must have sung the National anthem that many times I guess, in an entire lifetime! The ones who can sing, the ones who can't, the television, the radio, the mp3 player, it's like the whole universe is conspiring to turn the song into a Post-it note and stick it on your forehead!!!!
And then something happens. You start singing that ruddy song yourself. Then you curse yourself for being infected with this song, which ever it may be. So the world finally says to itself.. Mission accomplished!
Strange, isn't it? Quite technically, you have been made to do what everyone is doing, that too, without your consent.
There's another situation ,where the roles have been switched. You are the incessant singer, with no other song playing out of your mental playlist. Being on this side of the situation is slightly better, never the less, equally irritating, obviously because you at least get to do what YOU want to. So it is pretty much the same situation as the first case. The mind has become an Audio-tape player stuck on a piece of the tape over, over and over again.
So what's so mindblogling about it? In plain view, nothing. Even otherwise, nothing. That is unless a term called 'Stickiness-factor' is unfamiliar to you. This term, in whatever I call my little bundle of knowledge, pretty recently entered our daily-jargon, specially popularized and blown out by many ad gurus, a lot many writers and media/advertisement people. As the very self explanatory words suggest, it's just about how long something stays within your span of attention.
So.... it basically shows how, our minds respond to things we encounter. 3 things change a lot of equations in the stickiness, I guess.
a) Remarkableness of what's being brought forward
b)How much you 'SO-BADLY-HATE-IT'...You see, the more you hate it, the more you realize it's presence around you, the more you are prone to the REPETITION factor.
3)Most importantly....the number of times you have an encounter with it.... Repetition, the mother of LEARNING, no way Understanding, although, in our immediate surroundings, the two words may have been interchangeably used.
What was gained/lost with the effort of writing this post? I gained the realization that I am terribly sleepy! Besides, having the contents of your mind, subject to criticism leaves you with a strange kind of inexplicable excitement.
Despite typing all of it, analyzing all the possibilities of what is hapening inside my head, the song is still not leaving me. My brain is infested with this song!!!! Help me quarantine it!!!
चैन भी, मेरा दर्द भी, मेरी आशिकी अब तुम ही हो। Crap! See?? I am not even in a bloody romantic mood that I should sing this song!!
Remember how there's always this one song, which one may ABSOLUTELY HATE! Strangely enough, that song might be pretty popular, for or without reason. So here's the situation.
हम तेरे बिन अब रह नहीं सकते, तेरे बिना क्या वजूद मेरा ..........(I cannot live without you, without you, my existence is meaningless.) Whatttt??? Seriously? I know, I am over-reacting, specially out of the fear that we humans have this 'thing' for sad, rather sadist songs.
So it goes on!! On!! annnnd ONNNN!!!!!! Everyone is singing it! No one must have sung the National anthem that many times I guess, in an entire lifetime! The ones who can sing, the ones who can't, the television, the radio, the mp3 player, it's like the whole universe is conspiring to turn the song into a Post-it note and stick it on your forehead!!!!
And then something happens. You start singing that ruddy song yourself. Then you curse yourself for being infected with this song, which ever it may be. So the world finally says to itself.. Mission accomplished!
Strange, isn't it? Quite technically, you have been made to do what everyone is doing, that too, without your consent.
There's another situation ,where the roles have been switched. You are the incessant singer, with no other song playing out of your mental playlist. Being on this side of the situation is slightly better, never the less, equally irritating, obviously because you at least get to do what YOU want to. So it is pretty much the same situation as the first case. The mind has become an Audio-tape player stuck on a piece of the tape over, over and over again.
So what's so mindblogling about it? In plain view, nothing. Even otherwise, nothing. That is unless a term called 'Stickiness-factor' is unfamiliar to you. This term, in whatever I call my little bundle of knowledge, pretty recently entered our daily-jargon, specially popularized and blown out by many ad gurus, a lot many writers and media/advertisement people. As the very self explanatory words suggest, it's just about how long something stays within your span of attention.
So.... it basically shows how, our minds respond to things we encounter. 3 things change a lot of equations in the stickiness, I guess.
a) Remarkableness of what's being brought forward
b)How much you 'SO-BADLY-HATE-IT'...You see, the more you hate it, the more you realize it's presence around you, the more you are prone to the REPETITION factor.
3)Most importantly....the number of times you have an encounter with it.... Repetition, the mother of LEARNING, no way Understanding, although, in our immediate surroundings, the two words may have been interchangeably used.
What was gained/lost with the effort of writing this post? I gained the realization that I am terribly sleepy! Besides, having the contents of your mind, subject to criticism leaves you with a strange kind of inexplicable excitement.
Despite typing all of it, analyzing all the possibilities of what is hapening inside my head, the song is still not leaving me. My brain is infested with this song!!!! Help me quarantine it!!!
चैन भी, मेरा दर्द भी, मेरी आशिकी अब तुम ही हो। Crap! See?? I am not even in a bloody romantic mood that I should sing this song!!
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