Friday, 23 August 2013

You think?

Ahh!! Finally, after more than a week's worth of mindlessness, I finally have something to write(type...)!! Strangely, my motivations, usually, come from moments that make me feel like a complete bum! Okay, more on that....some other time later. Let's not dwell on it.

The human brain is pretty.. Not if you are holding one in your hand, of course, but it is a beautiful specimen of nature that highlights the triumph of evolution. 
A glance at anyone, just the sound of a syllable uttered by a person, the way someone walks, runs, eats or does anything is sufficient to distinguish an acquaintance from a stranger. Although, the profoundness of such abilities came to my notice very lately, it is surprising, to the point that I started looking at people's leg movement, more than their faces to recognize them. That...may have just taken the point too far.
That brings the concept of 'first impressions' into everyday life. Yeah...this thing actually does work.. A lot!! As a matter of fact, First Impressions are at work in the concrete jungles, and more so in the wilderness. The statement "It's a Wild Wild world out there" is quite technically valid! For centuries, mate-selection has been, is, and will be pretty much a game of first-impressions.(Uh-oh!). Yeah, rule of the Wild.. One glance at the opposite sex...annnnd you're done! A creature, any creature for that matter, happens to have been shaped to exhibit it's strengths and flaws at first glance. But let's not get into too much intricacies. The concept of First Impressions also brings along the concept of 'Wrong First Impressions'(WFI for sake of convenience). This one is the evil twin. Look at the symmetry in nature's creation! Wrong first choice!! Good news for you if you happened to be the second choice, if the Choosing Party realizes it's blunder before making it...but that is rare..Alas!
Speaking of blunders, there's this silly joke-sort of a thing in Hindi, literal translation of which goes something like this... 
From far away, I saw Madhuri combing her hair. When I went near, I saw a cow wagging it's tail...(Translation KILLS!!!)...
दूर से देखा, तोह माधुरी बाल बना रही थी.(Duur se dekha, toh, Madhuri baal bana rahi thhi. )
 पास जाके देखा, तोह गाय पूंछ हिल रही थी!Paas jaakey dekha, toh gaay puunch hila rahi thhi!)...........

Has it ever happened that you waved at someone, who you thought was someone, but turned out to be someone else? WFI and..wait for it......WTF!! 
It is probably THE most embarrassing thing that could happen to someone, specially, if you were the one who waved! The person on the receiving end is really trying hard to place your face.."Now, who the hell is this fellow?".
It's those classic situations where both the sides say the same thing(WTF) but, the meaning of the words in either case happens to be oceans apart.
There is an upside to this though. If timed right, it can be easy to know new people. Maybe, the next time you wave at the same person, you can laugh at your last time's fiasco!
Another situation , although not related to WFI, being that you wave at some acquaintance and he/she doesn't look at you.. Ugggghhhh!!!! That's even worse than the first situation with the stranger! Specially if the thought of someone seeing your friendly wave  getting tossed into thin air happens to haunt you for  a while..

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